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Showing posts from August, 2018

Abacus Introduction

Abacus is very easy and convenient tool for solve mathematical calculations. It is widely used by 7-13 years student. There are around 3.4 Lakh+ kids registered to learn abacus. keep reading , I assure you will come to know about some points you never know before. You can buy abacus accessories for kids  Abacus kit with Box Abacus with 2 practice books Abacus kit yellow color WHAT IS  ABACUS ? Abacus is a device invented mainly in China about 3000 years ago, which later spread to countries such as Korea, Japan, Taiwan, Malaysia, etc. It was used in ancient times to compute numbers through a basic arithmetic system. Now in the last two decades, Brain has been proven as a complete brain development tool. Abacus became popular worldwide, after being transformed from a computation tool to a 'overall brain development system', to make mathematics easier and effective. 1. Science Behind Abacus Learning:--- Do You Know How the Science Behind Abacus Works?      ► The Me...